Monday, June 25, 2012

Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier

Being back in America has fully recharged my love of beer.  I have discovered varieties of Samuel Adams that I didn't even know existed.  I don't want to use up the rest of the year just enjoying the fruits of the Boston Brewing Company, but I just can't stop.  Sam Adams haters just need to bear with me for this and next week I will bring you something different.
This weeks brew Blackberry Witbier comes from the Sam Adams Brewery Collection.  It is a witbier which is literally a wheat beer brewed with "gruit."  Gruit was traditionally a mixture of spices and plants used to brew beer before hops became popular.  Witbiers nowadays use hops and spices such as orange peel and coriander as the gruit when they are brewed.

Learning has occurred!
Blackberry Witbier combines this cloudy wheat style with blackberries to good effect.  I have come down in the past on wheat and fruit in beer separately but in this case the whole more than makes up for the parts.
Wheat and fruit making nice.
The aroma of Blackberry Witbier gets you as soon as you pour it.  There is a nice hint of the blackberries without being overpowering.  The appearance of the beer is cloudy and golden.  The taste brings out that same hint of blackberry, but isn't overly sweet.
As much as I hate to be a homer for Sam Adams, they have done it again.  This beer is definitely worth seeking out and enjoying.  On to the next one!

Name: Blackberry Witbier
Brewery: Samuel Adams Brewery
Location: Boston, MA, USA
ABV: 5.5%
Type: Wheat Ale

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