Sunday, July 22, 2012

Anchor Summer Beer

Making it's second appearance on my 52 week journey, the Anchor Brewing Company presents Anchor Summer Beer.  Anchor Summer Beer is a filtered wheat beer which usually means that I won't like it.

Sometimes beer makes me sad.

 I will admit that Anchor Summer Beer is not your typical wheat beer.  It lacks the subtle sweetness you get from other similar brews, but definitely exhibits the golden color one would expect.  Anchor Summer Beer is characterized by a rich thick head that is a byproduct of the brewing process.  The head has the consistency of whipped milk and makes you think of a cappuccino.
While the taste is not as bland as a typical wheat beer, it isn't great, either.  One of the main issues that we have discussed before is seasonal brews that don't invoke the season in taste or aroma.  Summer beer should make you think of summer and Anchor Summer Beer just doesn't achieve this.  I couldn't make the distinction between this beer and a regular domestic lager.  Compared to their superior Hopping Ale, Anchor Summer Beer is a forgettable brew and not worth the effort.


Name: Anchor Summer Beer
Brewery: Anchor Brewing Company
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
ABV: 4.5%
Type: Wheat Beer

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