Sunday, May 27, 2012

DAB Original

A while back I had the Shiner Dortmunder as the Beer of the Week and mentioned it was probably based off of DAB.  Well this is the original brew from Dortmund Germany.
DAB stands for Dortmunder Actien-Brauerei, which, if my German is correct, stands for Dortmunder Action Brewery or maybe not. 
German Action

I know Germany is famous for their beer, but in my opinion it is pretty hit or miss.  Some of it tastes like old socks.  DAB does not.  This is a crisp, clean beer that has no allusions of anything other than being great to drink.  This is the kind of beer that you drink after a long day of working because you are hot and just want a beer.  You don't want hints of nutmeg or an ancient Babylonian recipe, you just want a great beer.  Go out and grab some of this beer for a nice summer weekend and enjoy.

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