Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sierra Nevada Summerfest 2012

This marks the first time in two years that I have gotten a seasonal beer before that season actually started.  (They are still selling Fall samplers here)

Punishment Budget Birra

This is Budget Birra.  Since I technically missed a week from being sick, I am punishing myself by drinking 66 cl of Italian cheap brew.  This was purchased for 57 euro cents which is about 71 cents US.  Not too bad for 66 cl which is about 22 ounces.  This is exactly what you would expect for beer that costs less than a dollar.  It's brown, carbonated and most likely made with barley, hops, water and yeast, but I can't be sure.  If you are poor and you are living in Italy, go nuts.  If you aren't, DO NOT DRINK THIS!

DAB Original

A while back I had the Shiner Dortmunder as the Beer of the Week and mentioned it was probably based off of DAB.  Well this is the original brew from Dortmund Germany.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Anchor Brewing Humming Ale

I have been doing a pretty poor job of keeping this site updated lately.  There are a lot of things going on with my move and some other excuses that I will think up later.  I going to use this weekend to try and remedy this.  First up is a brew from Anchor Brewing, Humming Ale.

This will be the last time I use the sampling glass for a while since it is on a ship to America.  Humming Ale is an interesting beer with a slightly bitter taste to it.  The color is nice and it has a very fragrant aroma from all of the hops.  The flavor seems a little heavy on the hops when you first drink it, but it grows on you.   Humming Ale is very full bodied.  I'm not sure if this is Anchor Brewing's spring brew (they don't advertise it that way), but it has more of a fall or winter feel to it.  Overall, it isn't bad, but it is more for people who like their beer with a lot of hops.