Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Birra Messina

Italy is known for wine, for pasta and for fashion.  One thing it is not know for is beer.  In the last two years I have tasted almost all of the beers the country has to offer from Moretti to Castello with Peroni in between.  While none of these beers are bad, they lack the ability to wow your taste buds like some of the other brews I have had.  Unfortunately, Messina is no different.

The beer presents with a deep amber color and a medium heavy classic lager flavor, but that is where the story ends.  Messina does not take any challenges and is therefore indistinguishable from the other Italian lagers or even American standards like Budweiser.  This brew will not offend your tastes and is worth sampling for the sake of checking it off the list, but i wouldn't recommend buying it by the case.

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